How can an image be worth a thousand words when it leaves you speechless? How can anyone justify why trillions of dollars in doctor services, drugs, and medical care expenditures exceed the Consumer Price Index, with hospital services exceeding at a whopping 347%?
What if food, housing, and utility costs increased at such rates over the past 30 years? It’s a nightmare that’s unthinkable… and unsustainable.
A report issued by The Commonwealth Fund comparing U.S. healthcare to other high income countries states that the “United States ranks last overall, despite spending far more of its gross domestic product on health care.” The U.S. also ranks last on access to care, administrative efficiency, equity, and health care outcomes.
Wholesale changes to the healthcare industry are needed to slow this outrageous cost trend and improve the value of care delivered. Instead of waiting, forward-thinking employers are embracing high-performance health plans that adhere to ethical billing practices, strict cost controls, and fair market payments. Doing anything less just perpetuates the madness.